Learn to Rock Climb

December 2, 2009

Learn to Rock Climb

Rock climbing is similar to any other activity you choose to participate in.  You study on it a little bit, get the basic information, then jump in!One important thing to consider is having a qualified instructor.  It could be a friend-just make sure they are knowledgeable.  After all, you will be completely dependent on them at some point in time.  If possible hire a guide for your first few outings until you get the feel of things.  You can also learn from other climbers. Watching beginners will help you see how they get started and watching the experts will give you goals to work toward.  Seeing how they react to certain circumstances will aid you in your decision making during stressful situations.  Ask questions if you do not understand a particular move or technique.  Reading is also an excellent source of information.  Be sure to read as many related articles as possible.  Because there is so much info, no single article can cover everything.  Another way to become familiar with rock climbing is to visit an indoor gym.  These have become quite popular in the past few years.  You can rent the equipment necessary for climbing.  Lessons are also available by experienced climbers.  Learning to climb indoors provides a more controlled atmosphere without many of the dangers faced climbing outside.

How to rock climb

December 2, 2009

The word of rock climbing is growing by leaps and bounds.  So you want to know where to get started. The best place to learn to climb is joining a local indoor climbing gym.  Most outdoor store that sales climbing gear  have  contacts to some climbing guides. If they dont know of any guide services lots of these stores know of locals in the area who would be willing to show people the basics to climbing. There are a lot of books on climbing and they have very good instructions on how to get started. I think there is no better way to learn than hands on. An indoor climbing gym or guide can answer questions that a book may not. Things like which knots to use and what climbs to start out on. Going to a gym you can rent their gear and most guides will bring every thing you will need with them. The reason this is the best place to start is you don’t have to buy all your gear first and this will let you know if your going to like rock climbing before you buy anything.

      To buy the basic set up for indoor climbing gyms will run you about $150 to $200 dollars and some gyms have a starter kits. There is so many different harnesses, ropes, shoes, ect. out there how are you going to know what you’re going it like or not. Thats why going to an indoor climbing gym or paying for a guide is the best way to get into climbing. They can show you how to double back the buckles on your harnesses, recommend what size and length rope to get and for proper fitting on climbing shoes. Which this is one sizes smaller than what your regular shoe sizes is. Climbing is like anything the more you practic the better you will be able to climb. There are great places on line to buy gear and even climbing holds to make your own climbing wall at you house. Climbing holds come in every shape and size you can think of. I have even found a place online to show you how to make your own holds. It works really good if you don’t mind taking the time to make them.

Rock Climbing Gear for Top Roping

December 1, 2009
Rock climbing is an adrenalin rush sport that allows you to reach amazing heights. Rock climbing has become a world wide craze allowing climbers of all ages to reach their way to the summit. But exciting as rock climbing can be there is a real danger that does not need to be over looked. Before any attempt to rock climb one needs to learn the basics and have the right rock climbing gear designed to do any climbing. Without the proper techniques and equipment you take your life and the other climbers with you in your hands.
Rock climbing gear is designed for climbing and that is IT. You don’t want to use any gear that you towed your car with. So take care of your climbing gear and don’t lend it out with you not there. You wont know what kind of abuses it has been through. There are many How to books on rock climbing to get basic knowledge of rock climbing. Get one of these books and write down any questions you may have about rigging or what gear to use wear.

The gear you need will make climbing safe and enjoyable experience. This is a list of things you will need for some Top Rope climbing:

1. One inch tubular WEBBING ( you’ll need 3 lengths doubled up, two at 25ft. and one at 50ft.) You can find webbing for about 75 cents a foot.

2. Climbing Rope run about $100 and come in different sizes and lengths. Most new climbers start out with a size 10 or 10.5mm and a 60mm in length.

3. Harnesses will run about $50 and up. This will be one item you want to take some time on because if you do any climbing at all you’ll spend a lot of time in your harness. Make sure it comfortable and it has gear loops on it.

4. Climbing Shoes cost any ware from $75 to $125 depending on what style of climbing you will be doing. Climbing shoes are designed to be tight so they grip the wall better. A good fit for a climbing shoes is usually one sizes smaller than your street shoe.

5. Carabineers come in many different shapes and sizes. The cost on them very with that to. What you will need is 4 locking, 6 regular that will get you Top roping. These 10 biners will run about $50

6. Belay device will be around $50 and will be designed for different set ups. A ATC and GRIGRI are the most common.

7. Rope bag $50 is a great investment for your life line. Helps protect your rope form getting dirty no more then it has too.

8. Chaulk bag and chaulk both for $20 helps keep your hands dry.

With this set up you can go Top Roping and get familiar with climbing and you can add to it when your ready to start Sport climbing then Trad. Climbing. So find someone who has been climbing for awhile or take some classes on climbing and get out there and enjoy the outdoors. Have fun and be safe.